Penthouse Collection

Unveil the white wine and charcuterie board, and bask in the sunset's glow, for these slates are a force to be reckoned with. We are beyond thrilled to see these projects come to fruition. It's truly gratifying when clients entrust us with their vision without a proposed rendering.

This project holds a special place in our hearts as it marks the first time we were able to mill and fabricate hardwood right in our own shop. The emotional significance is profound, reflecting the journey from conceptualization to realization. Transporting the larger sections, each weighing approximately 250 pounds, up the elevator posed a challenge, navigating through tight spaces. However, once the logistics were mastered, the installation proceeded swiftly, thanks to our meticulous measurements.

Upon taking a moment to step back and witness this creation in its designated space, we were not just blown away; we were enveloped in sheer, unadulterated joy. The impact and beauty of the project became even more pronounced, leaving us awestruck and immersed in a profound sense of delight. Experiencing an overwhelming sense of satisfaction is an understatement when we realize that our clients truly value the craftsmanship invested in projects like these. With approximately 60 hours poured into this endeavor from inception to completion, we take immense pride in presenting the fruits of our labor for your appreciation.


Project Has Commenced


Empowering Our Vision with In-House Wood Milling