Coffee Anyone?

We are thrilled to share a significant achievement in our journey—successfully completing one of our initial commercial projects Royal Poinciana on Palm Beach Island, and the sense of pride is truly overwhelming. Our primary responsibility involved crafting thee cabinets and meticulously preparing for the insertion of the quartz counter and a one of a kind coffee maker—a task that demanded precision and dedication.

A unique challenge presented itself in the form of a special order for vinyl, adding an extra layer of intricacy to the project. The wait for the vinyl to arrive tested our patience, but when it did, the distinctiveness it brought to the design made every moment worthwhile. The process of selecting the perfect stain color involved numerous samples, each iteration guiding us closer to perfection. However, as fate would have it, the grain of the vinyl proved to be more prominent than anticipated.

Undeterred, we embarked on a creative solution by repurposing existing doors—carefully resizing and fabricating new finger pulls to seamlessly integrate them into the design. This adaptive approach not only showcased our commitment to quality but also highlighted our problem-solving prowess.

Throughout this journey, the collaboration with the owners proved to be a delightful experience. Their positive and appreciative demeanor fueled our determination to deliver a product that exceeded expectations. Witnessing the final installation, our collective sense of satisfaction was immeasurable, and we can proudly say that our efforts were met with genuine admiration.

This project not only marks a milestone for us but also reinforces our belief in the power of adaptability and innovation. We are grateful for the opportunity to contribute our craftsmanship to this commercial endeavor, and we look forward to many more projects that showcase our passion for creating exceptional spaces.

Installed & Loved—this project has truly been a labor of love, and we are excited to continue pushing boundaries in the world of design.


A Delightful Encounter


Warmth For The Season